The political posturing in this case was a crime--literally a crime perpetrated by the Trump campaign when they bullied their way into conducting their obscenely illegal stunt.
The political posturing in this case was a crime--literally a crime perpetrated by the Trump campaign when they bullied their way into conducting their obscenely illegal stunt.
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To Kevin's forum:
The Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson wrote today that "hauling a camera crew to Arlington National Cemetery and exploiting the fresh graves of heroes — using them as props in his presidential campaign — was more than a violation of the cemetery’s rules; it was more, even, than a violation of federal law. It was a deeply dishonorable act by a shockingly dishonorable man."
By the way, in the online comments earlier today, I posted this:
"At the Substack Civil War Memory, Kevin M. Levin has posted a compelling analysis of Republicans who spoke out against removal of that Confederate monument from Arlington, but who have remained silent about their party’s latest moral atrocity."
To that reader if she or he is reading:
The political posturing in this case was a crime--literally a crime perpetrated by the Trump campaign when they bullied their way into conducting their obscenely illegal stunt.
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To Kevin's forum:
The Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson wrote today that "hauling a camera crew to Arlington National Cemetery and exploiting the fresh graves of heroes — using them as props in his presidential campaign — was more than a violation of the cemetery’s rules; it was more, even, than a violation of federal law. It was a deeply dishonorable act by a shockingly dishonorable man."
By the way, in the online comments earlier today, I posted this:
"At the Substack Civil War Memory, Kevin M. Levin has posted a compelling analysis of Republicans who spoke out against removal of that Confederate monument from Arlington, but who have remained silent about their party’s latest moral atrocity."