If you believe Republicans and their conservative allies you might think that history teachers are using their summer break to plot their next moves in an endless quest to convince their white students to accept blame for all the horrible things that have happened in the past and to turn students generally against the United States.
Strange that teachers, who do such an important job under such tough conditions (low pay, etc.), receive so little respect in US society. Possibly anti-intellectualism, a long thread in US society, contributes. I'm old enough to remember disparaging references to "eggheads" and "nattering nabobs of negativity".
Much looking forward to a report on your trip. Safe and enjaoyable travels!
It's incredibly reassuring to see such devotion to the craft of teaching, but make no mistake, schools across the country are experiencing a major problem with teacher retention that is only going to get worse.
I have long wondered what it looks like to take notes from archival sources to build historical arguments. I imagine it involves taking a lot of photographs so you have the original text that you can write interpretive notes beside. Otherwise, wouldn't it involve a lot of quoting, as we can't take the archives with us (alas) to refer to later. Is there a chance you might explore what that process looks like in a future post?
Strange that teachers, who do such an important job under such tough conditions (low pay, etc.), receive so little respect in US society. Possibly anti-intellectualism, a long thread in US society, contributes. I'm old enough to remember disparaging references to "eggheads" and "nattering nabobs of negativity".
Much looking forward to a report on your trip. Safe and enjaoyable travels!
It's incredibly reassuring to see such devotion to the craft of teaching, but make no mistake, schools across the country are experiencing a major problem with teacher retention that is only going to get worse.
I have long wondered what it looks like to take notes from archival sources to build historical arguments. I imagine it involves taking a lot of photographs so you have the original text that you can write interpretive notes beside. Otherwise, wouldn't it involve a lot of quoting, as we can't take the archives with us (alas) to refer to later. Is there a chance you might explore what that process looks like in a future post?
Hi Andrew,
That's a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion.