North were jealous of Southern prosperity, and feared the loss of their taxes. Had they a use for slaves they would have kept them as well.

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Fascinating analysis LOL

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An excellent,thought provoking article. It makes me wonder as well about the white Southerners who actively engaged in fighting the Confederacy or simply not cooperating with the Confederacy. For they had much to loose no matter is which side won. They would always be a pariah to their neighbors. I have a book on the 1st Alabama Cavalry US I look forward to reading and I want to reread The Other South by Carl Digler as well. This rabbit hole I started going down after find out about two great,great grandfathers who fall into the “hell no we won’t go” category .

Enjoy your work.


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Hi David,

Glad to hear that you are enjoying the newsletter. When you are finished reading those books, make it a point to check out Victoria Bynum’s The Free State of Jones. All the best.

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The invaders took our country to a new low today. It’s the end of the state of affairs that have existed since 1945.

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Think you are dead on with this interpretation of his words.

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I have always appreciated the moment when doing research and, like you said, you are stopped cold at what you are doing due to what you are reading is so striking it can be significant for a variety of reasons. Thanks for sharing this moment with us Kevin.

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You bet.

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Kevin, this is an excellent post and one that, frankly, needs to be more widely understood. Over the last decade, I’ve worked to compile research for what may one day become a biography of Gen. George Wagner. What struck me then, the same as today is the pure, unadulterated love for the Union, but more than that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and the ideals of the nation. For a second generation immigrant, there was a certain security that the United States offered. This is a man who stood on the floor of the Indiana State Senate and called southern sympathizers “traitors at heart, and traitors in fact.” This is a part of the war, and of the volunteer U.S. Army that is so often overlooked or overshadowed. Anyhow, thanks for sharing the Bowdlear quote- it’s very fitting

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Sounds like a fantastic project. I hope you find the time to continue to work on it.

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Washington has fallen to the invaders and we cannot surrender our Constitution or liberty.

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We have invaders today too.

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No we don't. We have illegal migrants attracted by the chance for a good life instead of a troubled one--or worse, instead of squalid horror.

Exactly the kind of enterprising people, full of gumption, who built the country.

"Invaders"? Bringing babies and diapers instead of arms?

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Wasn’t referring to migrants.

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I wish you had made clear what you actually meant.

Here from PBS is one of many reasons I assumed wrongly:

"Trump claims 'greatest invasion in history' happening at southern border"


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That was my fault for being cryptic.

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I had believed that we were being taken back to the 1850s. But since dt declared himself king, allowing his court jester to smash and grab everything of value in our country, it feels more like the 1750s.

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