In no way whatsoever does this suggest that the ideological persuasion of the old CMLS and the Confederate Museum that that organization started in 1894 lives on in the current ACWM. I don't know why this is the way it is, but a 130 year old organization can tend to have empty legal artifacts in its organizational structure, and we do.
In no way whatsoever does this suggest that the ideological persuasion of the old CMLS and the Confederate Museum that that organization started in 1894 lives on in the current ACWM. I don't know why this is the way it is, but a 130 year old organization can tend to have empty legal artifacts in its organizational structure, and we do.
"In no way whatsoever does this suggest that the ideological persuasion of the old CMLS and the Confederate Museum that that organization started in 1894 lives on in the current ACWM."
Of course it doesn't. If it did, I wouldn't have joined the museum. But as my first line above shows, I was asking about tax status, not outlook pollution. (That opening line was a quotation: "This revokes tax exemption on ACWM property.")
I think I see the miscommunication here, maybe caused by my phrasing. The Googling that I did (in my ignorance and amazement) shows only that the organizational lineage is the organizational lineage as a technical legal matter--not that the lineage imposes organizational outlook pollution.
So I'll ask my question again, this time rephrasing: Is it definitely established that the Confederate Memorial Literary Society's undeniable place as a technical legal matter in the American Civil War Museum's ancestry lives on in a way that makes this alarming tax-status news true?
It seems to me that if well-intended legislation carried with it a harmful financial side effect for something as worthy as the ACWM, someone would have noted it before now. Did someone? And if so, how--assuming that this alarming tax-status news is true--did we get here?
Sorry if I sounded defensive. Didn't mean to. Anyhow, I'm not among the important people at this museum so--while I do know that they knew about the name--I do not know how they planned to handle it, or to approach this particular problem that they knew about weeks ago.
In no way whatsoever does this suggest that the ideological persuasion of the old CMLS and the Confederate Museum that that organization started in 1894 lives on in the current ACWM. I don't know why this is the way it is, but a 130 year old organization can tend to have empty legal artifacts in its organizational structure, and we do.
"In no way whatsoever does this suggest that the ideological persuasion of the old CMLS and the Confederate Museum that that organization started in 1894 lives on in the current ACWM."
Of course it doesn't. If it did, I wouldn't have joined the museum. But as my first line above shows, I was asking about tax status, not outlook pollution. (That opening line was a quotation: "This revokes tax exemption on ACWM property.")
I think I see the miscommunication here, maybe caused by my phrasing. The Googling that I did (in my ignorance and amazement) shows only that the organizational lineage is the organizational lineage as a technical legal matter--not that the lineage imposes organizational outlook pollution.
So I'll ask my question again, this time rephrasing: Is it definitely established that the Confederate Memorial Literary Society's undeniable place as a technical legal matter in the American Civil War Museum's ancestry lives on in a way that makes this alarming tax-status news true?
It seems to me that if well-intended legislation carried with it a harmful financial side effect for something as worthy as the ACWM, someone would have noted it before now. Did someone? And if so, how--assuming that this alarming tax-status news is true--did we get here?
Hi Steve,
Short answer to your revised question: Yes.
Sorry if I sounded defensive. Didn't mean to. Anyhow, I'm not among the important people at this museum so--while I do know that they knew about the name--I do not know how they planned to handle it, or to approach this particular problem that they knew about weeks ago.
Thanks very much. I'd be grateful to find out how loss of the tax exemption will affect the museum. I can't find anything in a search of the RTD.
The way things go around here, you are likely to know before I do.