Some comments from social media have asked why American Battlefield Trust and others haven’t responded to this yet. The best analogy example I’ve found is when someone brought it up in a recent ABT post, they were replied with “go away whiner”. It’s safe to say some of us might be on our own and that’s terrifying
Some comments from social media have asked why American Battlefield Trust and others haven’t responded to this yet. The best analogy example I’ve found is when someone brought it up in a recent ABT post, they were replied with “go away whiner”. It’s safe to say some of us might be on our own and that’s terrifying
Some comments from social media have asked why American Battlefield Trust and others haven’t responded to this yet. The best analogy example I’ve found is when someone brought it up in a recent ABT post, they were replied with “go away whiner”. It’s safe to say some of us might be on our own and that’s terrifying
The ABT is not going to do anything that upsets its donors.
There has to be a way to raise the issue in a non-partisan manner.