I wish I could be present, but the discussion will take place in the middle of my night.

I loved the movie when it came out, despite the well-aimed jokes about "Gettysbeard". Now, however, it looks "awfully white". Thanks to your and other scholars' work, I keep looking for African Americans in the Confederate camp, and I remember a runaway enslaved man that Chamberlain encounters in the novel. The movie doesn't show many Getteysburg civilians, but neiterh does it mention Lee's troops kidnapping African American residents. I think these are more signs of the movie's age than deliberate erasures.

I think the acting was in general very good, but remain sorry that Turner couldn't get his original choice, Robert Duvall, to play Lee. Martin Sheen did his best, but I would have liked a tougher and less saintly Lee.

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All good points. Sorry you won't be able to attend on Sunday night.

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Looking forward to it

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See you then.

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I hope to be there!

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Glad to hear it.

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