Cheers, Joe.

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During my time in the Army (mostly reserve component) I had several commands. The one I always felt most attached to was Combat Support Company, 1st BN 635th Armor Kansas Army NG. Thay had the Normandy Arrowhead on their guidon meaning they had landed during the invasion. Being a military historian I looked into the unit history and discovered they had been Co A. 635th Tank Destroyer BN. They had indeed landed on Omaha Beach in support of the 1st Division, although not on June 6th. It was a day or two latter as I remember. Over the time I was the CO I met some of the unit members from the WWII period, I still think about them every June 6.

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Well done, Son......Mom and I think about Joe quite often. He did reflect somewhat about his war experiences after seeing Saving Private Ryan. I remember one year dragging him to the Convention Center where they were honoring veterans. A photographer from the Atlantic City Press came over to take a picture of Joe and me. I quickly backed away. That picture of Joe was the only one in the Press. I tried to get Joe to go to Normandy with me. He was not interested. I do miss him. Give Michaela and my grandson Otis a kiss for me.

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I am going to see if I can track down that photograph.

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