I went to Barnes and Noble on Black Friday and bought a book by Neal Stephenson called Polostan. It will join more than half a dozen other Stephenson novels on my bookshelf mostly in hardback. Many of his novels are a thousand pages or more. This one is less than three hundred and I'm two thirds of the way through it. I mention it here because it's constructed around an historical date, June 28th, 1932, that has lived in infamy and is now largely forgotten. It's the date of the federal government's response to the Bonus Army March which had besieged the national capitol for at least six months when Herbert Hoover brought in the military in the persons of Douglas MacArthur, George Patton and Dwight D. Eisenhower to dispel the mobs of squatters who constituted a slow motion riot. Without this military intervention on American soil one has to wonder would FDR have been elected even once? Would the Civilian Conservation Corps have been introduced as a means to resolve the Bonus Army deferred pay issue for homeless military veterans? And would that step have opened the door three years later to the establishment of Social Security? How many jobs were created by the Chicago World's Fair of 1933 and why was it extended through most of 1934? Was it because the fair's theme of a Century of Progress was so appealing, especially to Mussolini and his squadrons of seaplanes crossing the Atlantic east to west to establish landing rights on the southern tip of Lake Michigan. When I bought the book it was near the main entrance on a display table of new fiction releases in hardback. I checked back last weekend to see where they'd put it now that it's a book that is no longer new and just another book from last year. I was thinking it would be shelved in general fiction or possibly historical fiction. But I had to ask for help. It took a little while, but the store employee eventually led me to Mysteries and Thrillers. It's basically a spy novel with a female protagonist, probably the first in a series, a cowgirl born in 1917 who shuttles back and forth between Leningrad and a horse ranch in Montana that raises polo ponies for much of her childhood. She commutes riding boxcars to Stockton on the west coast, stowing away on cargo ships to Vladivostok via Yokohama and riding the Trans-Siberian Rail from Vladivostok to Leningrad, growing up fluent in both Russian and English. After running guns from Chicago to Washington D.C. for the Bonus Army she takes up modeling shoes at the Chicago World's Fair providing ample opportunities for vivid descriptions of both events. By the way, the Russians had a Civil War modeled after the American version. What was left of Civil War pensions in the U.S. had largely expired by 1935 when Dawn/Aurora turns seventeen.
This is complete garbage. I subscribed to this newsletter to hear about real civil war history, not anti Trump rants. I am sick and tired of people turning everything into politics. Why don't you stick to civil war history and leave the rants to CNN
What's garbage, Mr. Meyer, is your first sentence--in both substance and spirit.
On this day of remembrance of the country's first presidential introduction of violence into politics, Kevin observes that we "are in the midst of a clash of memory" and he emphasizes both "the primacy and importance of memory" and "the fragility of our democratic system."
The posting is not an "anti-Trump rant." In it, Kevin accurately refers to himself as "someone who studies the evolving and often murky distinction between history and memory." He's good at that. I'm glad he occasionally widens his scope beyond the Civil War.
As regards memory, I am struck that this terrible insurrection has entered our history as a “where were you” day. In my lifetime those have been President Kennedy’s assassination (I was in 5th grade, the principal made an announcement right before the end of the day); the 9/11 attacks (I was at home in Texas with only our dog for comfort, our son had just started college in Chattanooga, my husband was starting a new job in Chicago); and 1/6/21 (at home with my husband, both retired, saw a tweet from Dr. Joanne Freeman about dt’s speech on the Ellipse and because husband voted for dt and I voted for Biden we watched Fox all day and into the night to see how Congress would react).
I find it fascinating that never before have we had access to more first-hand accounts of various kinds and that, in turn, we have never been more divided over basic facts.
This is excellent and vitally important to us. After the Civil War too many Northerners went back to the days before the war and ignored what had happened, often in the name of profit. Many soldiers, especially members of the GAR fought to remind their fellow citizens denied. I can think of so many of their comments and criticisms but time prevents me from posting them here. The moral outrage of the insurrection of 6 January 2021 cannot be forgotten. We have to work to keep it in the memory of our fellow citizens who are so willing to move along and forget.
Increasingly, it is obvious that nearly everything that happens these days have their gangrenous roots in the CW and from there, to a port in the Colony of Virginia in 1619.
I just watched the counting of electoral votes for president. If the incoming president keeps his word, he will pardon insurrectionists, at least one of whom invaded Congress the CSA Battle Flag. Also, some of whom were avowed White Supremacists whose goal was, I infer, preventing seating a mixed-race woman as the Vice President...and hanging the other one from a gallows. (Standard disclosure: she, my wife, and I spring from the same political sub-party in San Francisco that has sent the Emerita Speaker and two female US Senators to Congress.)
At Appomatox, when US Grant asked RE Lee for his help getting Confederate veterans to accept losing the war, Lee refused. He said Grant would have to invade and subdue the CSA 3x more and he'd still fail. So, from that forecast in 1865 we have an obdurate White racist minority whose disease has metastasized. Happy 2025.
I'm now half-way through Jeremy Suri's, "Civil War by Other Means". He discusses why Andrew Johnson sold out the newly un-Enslaved millions. After the simply racial reason to do this, there were many other reasons. A big one: poor Whites had barely more than the un-Enslaved even before the CW. If the Freedman's Bureau and other branches of the government gave them literacy, craft and tech training, military (if not police) protection, etc., at taxpayer expense, they would have actual economic reasons to worry.
Over the decades, Southern Whites learned to adapt prior mechanisms to then-current possibilities. Mounted White slave patrols became police departments and plantations adapted from slavery into prison labor. Bureaucrats learned to serve White politicians by ignoring Black farmers - and - veterans - applying for federal loans and grants.
Now a racist (dating back to the Central Park 5 and screwing non-White tenants) will re-occupy the White House. His prior deputies, to soon be elevated, cited the unconstitutional forced, internal deportation of my race in WW2 for doing it again to the poor, hungry, and desperate trying to get across the Rio Grande. That, they think, is their "precedent" to rerun theirs.
FDR let my parents out with $50 each and train tickets to relocate: 40 acres and a mule? maybe the 1944 equivalent. Now my nieces are volunteering to prevent federal camps' re-use for new deportation camps.
Very insightful post. I recently came across a YouTube video where the presenter, while condemning the event, was convinced that the January 6th insurrection will be looked at as a minor incident in our country's history in the long run. They made this assumption based on the fact that the Capitol rioters intentions that day failed. I don't agree with this and definitely believe January 6th is rightfully considered a stain on our country's history.
I doubt that January 6 will be seen as a minor event because of where it happened (the US Capitol) and because of why it happened- a sitting president lost his re-election bid and tried to maintain power with the help of a violent and delusional mob. It's very similar to the displeasure many Americans had with the results of the 1860 election.
I don't know what to make of that claim, but I do know that how we view the events of that day will be shaped by the nation's trajectory and what happens along the way. Thanks for the response.
I think you are clearly only interested in the CNN side of discovery when it comes to Jan 6. PLEASE I beg you, do some more research. THe coup was already accomplished when the election was stolen some of it right in front of our eyes. The events of January 6 were terribly unfortunate. The group of normal people was infiltrated by those who wanted to make the day violent. Yes, some of those who were just patriots got overly excited. A very few forced themselves on the police. Some of the police allowed some people into the Capital. Others did enter violently. But, the mainstream media was trying to make it look as violent as possible. They did NOT cover the events fairly. And they were complicit in the stolen election. It is a very sad thing that happened. The fact is that justice was so uneven in the handling of the people targeted for being there, it is a travesty.
You clearly fell for the mainstream media version. PLEASE look at the other side. You may be surprised.
Ms. Matheson, the testimony to the Jan. 6 committee came almost entirely from Trump associates, insiders, and supporters. They--not Democrats, not CNN, not "liberals"--are the original source of what both history and civic remembrance will supply to future generations concerning the grotesque, reality-inverted falseness of all that you have repeated here from perverted, dishonest sources.
If that's a reply to me, I don't see where I used the term Republican at all.
But since you bring it up, I'll note that while the differences between Cheney-family Republicans and Trumpist Republicans are pretty plain, there's a problem with the preposterous use of the word conservative to describe Trump supporters and outright Trump cultists. No conceivable definition of that word could embrace the Big Election Lie or the use of violence against Constitution, Capitol, and country to reverse an election outcome.
No more research needed. I will go with what I saw with my own eyes and the words I heard with my own ears that were uttered to instigate it. And I didn’t rely on any one source to look at video’s and pictures. When a thing is wrong it should be identified as such - unequivocally. Can’t understand how any American can see what happened as acceptable on any level. And make excuses for what happened. I would bet that if those had been black people there would have been a sea of dead bodies left in front of the Capitol. They would have been hunted down thrown in jail immediately and the key thrown away.
Ms. Love, thanks. I suspect you and I disagree on little about all of this, and that you'd agree that I should have been clearer that I meant my second paragraph as advice for Ms. Matheson.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I am sorry that my reference to CNN triggered this response, but in doing so you have helped to make my point. You are making claims that are not substantiated by the available evidence, More to the point, they have nothing to do with what I saw that day with my own eyes and that has since been documented extensively.
You saw something with your own eyes? Were you there? Which side of the Capital were you in front of? If you are truly looking at both sides you must take into your consideration the FBI agents who were infiltrated within the group of people who were there to protest the stolen election. You must have looked into the fac that NONE of the many cases complaining about election fraud were ever actually tried, except one or two. So saying that courts did not judge in favor of the Trump supporters is silly. And it shows you did not do any real research, if you did not know this.
Go away Bonnie. You are the one who is delusional. None of the evidence supports anything you say. You are in a cult. I almost feel sorry for you but I don’t.
Kevin. Your book on the the myth of black confederates was so pivotal in my own research. I have written a book about my 20 year old ancestor who was a major of the 7th SC and his enslaved body servant who brought his body home from chickamauga. Your book helped me flesh out his experience and at the same time debunk the loyal slave myth. Thanks so much. Stuart
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I couldn't be more pleased to hear that my book was helping to you in researching your ancestor and his body servant. Please feel free to share the title and link for purchase if available.
Thanks for standing up for sane civic remembrance.
It seems encouraging that Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal is out with an editorial today recalling concrete details about the Jan. 6 violence and condemning the promised--that is, the threatened--pardons. Excerpts:
"Pardoning such crimes would contradict Mr. Trump’s support for law and order, and it would send an awful message about his view of the acceptability of political violence done on his behalf. That’s what Jan. 6 was, make no mistake. Though the GOP had valid complaints about the loosening of voting procedures amid Covid, Mr. Trump lost in 2020 by three states and tens of thousands of votes. His advisers repeatedly told him there was no evidence of massive ballot fraud. Yet he insisted the election was stolen and that Vice President Mike Pence could halt the count on Jan. 6. That’s why he sent his supporters toward the Capitol."
"Sentencing [one of the rioters] was Judge Royce Lamberth, a Reagan appointee. 'Having read dozens of indictments related to January 6,' he wrote, 'I can say confidently: nobody has been prosecuted for protected First Amendment activity. Nobody is being held hostage. Nobody has been made a prisoner of conscience. Every rioter is in the situation he or she is in because he or she broke the law, and for no other reason.'"
Thank you for the insightful piece on memory and the events of Jan. 6. We start back tomorrow if the snow ever abates. How can I as US History teacher for 10th and 11th graders best discuss memory in history with students? What advice can you provide that I can use when working with this current generation regarding historical memory? Thanks for all your work. Always a good read.
Thanks for reading and, more importantly, engaging your students around this difficult subject and questions. I highly recommend both of these sources to help get you started.
I went to Barnes and Noble on Black Friday and bought a book by Neal Stephenson called Polostan. It will join more than half a dozen other Stephenson novels on my bookshelf mostly in hardback. Many of his novels are a thousand pages or more. This one is less than three hundred and I'm two thirds of the way through it. I mention it here because it's constructed around an historical date, June 28th, 1932, that has lived in infamy and is now largely forgotten. It's the date of the federal government's response to the Bonus Army March which had besieged the national capitol for at least six months when Herbert Hoover brought in the military in the persons of Douglas MacArthur, George Patton and Dwight D. Eisenhower to dispel the mobs of squatters who constituted a slow motion riot. Without this military intervention on American soil one has to wonder would FDR have been elected even once? Would the Civilian Conservation Corps have been introduced as a means to resolve the Bonus Army deferred pay issue for homeless military veterans? And would that step have opened the door three years later to the establishment of Social Security? How many jobs were created by the Chicago World's Fair of 1933 and why was it extended through most of 1934? Was it because the fair's theme of a Century of Progress was so appealing, especially to Mussolini and his squadrons of seaplanes crossing the Atlantic east to west to establish landing rights on the southern tip of Lake Michigan. When I bought the book it was near the main entrance on a display table of new fiction releases in hardback. I checked back last weekend to see where they'd put it now that it's a book that is no longer new and just another book from last year. I was thinking it would be shelved in general fiction or possibly historical fiction. But I had to ask for help. It took a little while, but the store employee eventually led me to Mysteries and Thrillers. It's basically a spy novel with a female protagonist, probably the first in a series, a cowgirl born in 1917 who shuttles back and forth between Leningrad and a horse ranch in Montana that raises polo ponies for much of her childhood. She commutes riding boxcars to Stockton on the west coast, stowing away on cargo ships to Vladivostok via Yokohama and riding the Trans-Siberian Rail from Vladivostok to Leningrad, growing up fluent in both Russian and English. After running guns from Chicago to Washington D.C. for the Bonus Army she takes up modeling shoes at the Chicago World's Fair providing ample opportunities for vivid descriptions of both events. By the way, the Russians had a Civil War modeled after the American version. What was left of Civil War pensions in the U.S. had largely expired by 1935 when Dawn/Aurora turns seventeen.
This is complete garbage. I subscribed to this newsletter to hear about real civil war history, not anti Trump rants. I am sick and tired of people turning everything into politics. Why don't you stick to civil war history and leave the rants to CNN
What's garbage, Mr. Meyer, is your first sentence--in both substance and spirit.
On this day of remembrance of the country's first presidential introduction of violence into politics, Kevin observes that we "are in the midst of a clash of memory" and he emphasizes both "the primacy and importance of memory" and "the fragility of our democratic system."
The posting is not an "anti-Trump rant." In it, Kevin accurately refers to himself as "someone who studies the evolving and often murky distinction between history and memory." He's good at that. I'm glad he occasionally widens his scope beyond the Civil War.
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the feedback. I suggest you unsubscribe. You can find the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any newsletter email. All the best to you.
Important post, although I rather doubt Trump actually believed that he had been re-elected.
Thanks. In my view your surmise is
* highly likely correct and
* way too little considered.
As regards memory, I am struck that this terrible insurrection has entered our history as a “where were you” day. In my lifetime those have been President Kennedy’s assassination (I was in 5th grade, the principal made an announcement right before the end of the day); the 9/11 attacks (I was at home in Texas with only our dog for comfort, our son had just started college in Chattanooga, my husband was starting a new job in Chicago); and 1/6/21 (at home with my husband, both retired, saw a tweet from Dr. Joanne Freeman about dt’s speech on the Ellipse and because husband voted for dt and I voted for Biden we watched Fox all day and into the night to see how Congress would react).
I find it fascinating that never before have we had access to more first-hand accounts of various kinds and that, in turn, we have never been more divided over basic facts.
This is excellent and vitally important to us. After the Civil War too many Northerners went back to the days before the war and ignored what had happened, often in the name of profit. Many soldiers, especially members of the GAR fought to remind their fellow citizens denied. I can think of so many of their comments and criticisms but time prevents me from posting them here. The moral outrage of the insurrection of 6 January 2021 cannot be forgotten. We have to work to keep it in the memory of our fellow citizens who are so willing to move along and forget.
Thank you,
Steve Dundas
I would suggest sticking to civil war history.
My thoughts exactly
Increasingly, it is obvious that nearly everything that happens these days have their gangrenous roots in the CW and from there, to a port in the Colony of Virginia in 1619.
I just watched the counting of electoral votes for president. If the incoming president keeps his word, he will pardon insurrectionists, at least one of whom invaded Congress the CSA Battle Flag. Also, some of whom were avowed White Supremacists whose goal was, I infer, preventing seating a mixed-race woman as the Vice President...and hanging the other one from a gallows. (Standard disclosure: she, my wife, and I spring from the same political sub-party in San Francisco that has sent the Emerita Speaker and two female US Senators to Congress.)
At Appomatox, when US Grant asked RE Lee for his help getting Confederate veterans to accept losing the war, Lee refused. He said Grant would have to invade and subdue the CSA 3x more and he'd still fail. So, from that forecast in 1865 we have an obdurate White racist minority whose disease has metastasized. Happy 2025.
I'm now half-way through Jeremy Suri's, "Civil War by Other Means". He discusses why Andrew Johnson sold out the newly un-Enslaved millions. After the simply racial reason to do this, there were many other reasons. A big one: poor Whites had barely more than the un-Enslaved even before the CW. If the Freedman's Bureau and other branches of the government gave them literacy, craft and tech training, military (if not police) protection, etc., at taxpayer expense, they would have actual economic reasons to worry.
Over the decades, Southern Whites learned to adapt prior mechanisms to then-current possibilities. Mounted White slave patrols became police departments and plantations adapted from slavery into prison labor. Bureaucrats learned to serve White politicians by ignoring Black farmers - and - veterans - applying for federal loans and grants.
Now a racist (dating back to the Central Park 5 and screwing non-White tenants) will re-occupy the White House. His prior deputies, to soon be elevated, cited the unconstitutional forced, internal deportation of my race in WW2 for doing it again to the poor, hungry, and desperate trying to get across the Rio Grande. That, they think, is their "precedent" to rerun theirs.
FDR let my parents out with $50 each and train tickets to relocate: 40 acres and a mule? maybe the 1944 equivalent. Now my nieces are volunteering to prevent federal camps' re-use for new deportation camps.
It's all been one long Civil War.
Myself, I would suggest appreciation for occasional thoughts on national civic memory generally from the author of Civil War Memory.
Thanks for the advice, David.
Very insightful post. I recently came across a YouTube video where the presenter, while condemning the event, was convinced that the January 6th insurrection will be looked at as a minor incident in our country's history in the long run. They made this assumption based on the fact that the Capitol rioters intentions that day failed. I don't agree with this and definitely believe January 6th is rightfully considered a stain on our country's history.
I doubt that January 6 will be seen as a minor event because of where it happened (the US Capitol) and because of why it happened- a sitting president lost his re-election bid and tried to maintain power with the help of a violent and delusional mob. It's very similar to the displeasure many Americans had with the results of the 1860 election.
I don't know what to make of that claim, but I do know that how we view the events of that day will be shaped by the nation's trajectory and what happens along the way. Thanks for the response.
I think you are clearly only interested in the CNN side of discovery when it comes to Jan 6. PLEASE I beg you, do some more research. THe coup was already accomplished when the election was stolen some of it right in front of our eyes. The events of January 6 were terribly unfortunate. The group of normal people was infiltrated by those who wanted to make the day violent. Yes, some of those who were just patriots got overly excited. A very few forced themselves on the police. Some of the police allowed some people into the Capital. Others did enter violently. But, the mainstream media was trying to make it look as violent as possible. They did NOT cover the events fairly. And they were complicit in the stolen election. It is a very sad thing that happened. The fact is that justice was so uneven in the handling of the people targeted for being there, it is a travesty.
You clearly fell for the mainstream media version. PLEASE look at the other side. You may be surprised.
Ms. Matheson, the testimony to the Jan. 6 committee came almost entirely from Trump associates, insiders, and supporters. They--not Democrats, not CNN, not "liberals"--are the original source of what both history and civic remembrance will supply to future generations concerning the grotesque, reality-inverted falseness of all that you have repeated here from perverted, dishonest sources.
"Do some more research," you advise. Yes indeed.
I hardly call people like Liz Cheney Republicans. You use that term very loosely.
If that's a reply to me, I don't see where I used the term Republican at all.
But since you bring it up, I'll note that while the differences between Cheney-family Republicans and Trumpist Republicans are pretty plain, there's a problem with the preposterous use of the word conservative to describe Trump supporters and outright Trump cultists. No conceivable definition of that word could embrace the Big Election Lie or the use of violence against Constitution, Capitol, and country to reverse an election outcome.
With all due respect. This is laughable.
No more research needed. I will go with what I saw with my own eyes and the words I heard with my own ears that were uttered to instigate it. And I didn’t rely on any one source to look at video’s and pictures. When a thing is wrong it should be identified as such - unequivocally. Can’t understand how any American can see what happened as acceptable on any level. And make excuses for what happened. I would bet that if those had been black people there would have been a sea of dead bodies left in front of the Capitol. They would have been hunted down thrown in jail immediately and the key thrown away.
Ms. Love, thanks. I suspect you and I disagree on little about all of this, and that you'd agree that I should have been clearer that I meant my second paragraph as advice for Ms. Matheson.
We do. I accidentally posted on your reply. It was meant to be posted under Bonnie Matheson. My mistake.
Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I am sorry that my reference to CNN triggered this response, but in doing so you have helped to make my point. You are making claims that are not substantiated by the available evidence, More to the point, they have nothing to do with what I saw that day with my own eyes and that has since been documented extensively.
You saw something with your own eyes? Were you there? Which side of the Capital were you in front of? If you are truly looking at both sides you must take into your consideration the FBI agents who were infiltrated within the group of people who were there to protest the stolen election. You must have looked into the fac that NONE of the many cases complaining about election fraud were ever actually tried, except one or two. So saying that courts did not judge in favor of the Trump supporters is silly. And it shows you did not do any real research, if you did not know this.
Go away Bonnie. You are the one who is delusional. None of the evidence supports anything you say. You are in a cult. I almost feel sorry for you but I don’t.
Thanks for your concern, Bonnie.
Why did Nancy Pelosi refuse the help of the national guard?
“Facts are stubborn things.” - John Adams
So appreciate what you are doing on this site. Just signed on as subscriber.
Welcome to the family!!
Thank you, Stuart. Great to have you on board.
Kevin. Your book on the the myth of black confederates was so pivotal in my own research. I have written a book about my 20 year old ancestor who was a major of the 7th SC and his enslaved body servant who brought his body home from chickamauga. Your book helped me flesh out his experience and at the same time debunk the loyal slave myth. Thanks so much. Stuart
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I couldn't be more pleased to hear that my book was helping to you in researching your ancestor and his body servant. Please feel free to share the title and link for purchase if available.
Kevin. Might we connect directly by email? stutaylor3@gmail.com. My book is in the hands of my editor for final review. Thanks. Stuart
Thanks for standing up for sane civic remembrance.
It seems encouraging that Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal is out with an editorial today recalling concrete details about the Jan. 6 violence and condemning the promised--that is, the threatened--pardons. Excerpts:
"Pardoning such crimes would contradict Mr. Trump’s support for law and order, and it would send an awful message about his view of the acceptability of political violence done on his behalf. That’s what Jan. 6 was, make no mistake. Though the GOP had valid complaints about the loosening of voting procedures amid Covid, Mr. Trump lost in 2020 by three states and tens of thousands of votes. His advisers repeatedly told him there was no evidence of massive ballot fraud. Yet he insisted the election was stolen and that Vice President Mike Pence could halt the count on Jan. 6. That’s why he sent his supporters toward the Capitol."
"Sentencing [one of the rioters] was Judge Royce Lamberth, a Reagan appointee. 'Having read dozens of indictments related to January 6,' he wrote, 'I can say confidently: nobody has been prosecuted for protected First Amendment activity. Nobody is being held hostage. Nobody has been made a prisoner of conscience. Every rioter is in the situation he or she is in because he or she broke the law, and for no other reason.'"
Thank you for the insightful piece on memory and the events of Jan. 6. We start back tomorrow if the snow ever abates. How can I as US History teacher for 10th and 11th graders best discuss memory in history with students? What advice can you provide that I can use when working with this current generation regarding historical memory? Thanks for all your work. Always a good read.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for reading and, more importantly, engaging your students around this difficult subject and questions. I highly recommend both of these sources to help get you started.
The first is the Choices Program out of Brown University: https://www.choices.edu/teaching-news-lesson/capitol-riot/
and Facing History & Ourselves: https://www.facinghistory.org/ideas-week/teaching-about-january-6-insurrection-its-impact-us-democracy?utm_term=&utm_campaign=DSA&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_tgt=dsa-2176122291486&hsa_grp=64709717490&hsa_src=g&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_mt=&hsa_ver=3&hsa_ad=344334825553&hsa_acc=4949854077&hsa_kw=&hsa_cam=1635938820&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAm-67BhBlEiwAEVftNnpKxHVSJmkKzFSBtT0ivhHyg5JEh61vI2lBXlNtvxdxlQ9qs7vjHxoCDZsQAvD_BwE
Good luck and let me know if you have any additional questions. I will do what I can.