How about all the sons and grandsons and great-grandsons since then who paid the blood price in Combat? Gen Simon Bolivar Buckner II and Lt Gen Nathan Bedford Forrest III, and countless others including the members of my family. John Archer Lejeune not killed, but called "Greatest Leatherneck of them all" Or another Cousin LT Thomas Ceburn Musgrave USAF , both the descendants of Confederate soldiers.

Or George S Patton and Chesty Puller grandsons of Confederate Cols killed in action.

It was called the Reconciliation Monument. In my family, two Uncles died one at Guadalcanal one other with the Bedford Boys on Dday. General Order 11 was not made by Rebs which was the Union antisemites Grant and Sherman.

My great-grandfather and gg grandfathers fought for Virginia and Southern independence and their Colony/State the same as their grandfathers did On the Virginia and Maryland lines in the Continental Army

Now to remove this moument you have to desecrate the grave of an orthodox jew. I suppose that does not bother you any more than the fact you are safer in any southern town (except the Ghettos) than you would be in New York where Black assaults on Jews have become a sport for the rabidly anti semitic BLM bunch. who are Hamas Lovers.

So now we are getting it( us "crackers ") 75% of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan were white males. Some were brave Jews, (like the Jewish Rebs) for sure and a substantial portion were heavily Southern. May their graves never be moved or dishonored like Sir Moses Ezekiel.

So where is your lineage Kevin, brave soldiers or carpet baggers? Maybe the army can replace us Southrons with Transgender Commandos or a battalion of ADL recruits?

Jewish law forbids the transfer of a dead body or of remnant bones from one grave to another, even when it is to a more respected site (Sh. Ar., YD 363:1; based upon Sem. 13:5–7; TJ, MK 2:4, 81b)The fact that all this anti Confederate symbolism kristallnacht is nothing more than a smoke screen to take people's attention away from the horrible state of black communities in urban America with its close to a million gang members who killed hundreds of innocent people a year. no let's not talk about crime and violence in the black community let's talk about Robert E Lee. of course many of you make your livings off of bashing the Confederacy and everything about it. from the maest Southern Poverty leadership conference founded by two great race hustlers Morris D and Julian Bond who have hundreds of millions in their coffers but never spend them on the black community the guys like you Kevin a simple school teacher who pumps out his screed with great Delight.

it's a great way to ingratiate yourself to the black criminal subculture which disguises itself as civil rights activists. people like Al Sharpton and his ilk. We always hear the Mantra Lost Cause lost cause. a simple pejorative you can apply to anything to do with the Confederacy so that you don't have to ask and answer the hard questions. as many black intellectuals such as Thomas Sowell the late Walter Williams and others have stated So clearly.

The Lost Cause myth is no more ridiculous than the noble cause that the war was fought to free the slaves. The War was fought to conquer the South and make sure they stayed in the Union to secure the economic benefits of that Union. It was all about the money Lincoln didn't care a damn about Negroes neither did Sherman Grant McClellan you name them.. Yes he didn't like slavery because he wanted negros to return to Africa or South America, Anywhere But Here. he was working on colonization even up to the time he was assassinated. as for the South well the Deep South seceded for the same reasons that the north came after them but their own economic interests which was in large part slavery. In fact it were to be honest that's what the American Revolution was all about too you know taxation without representation.

Since the great cultural Purge of Confederate monuments brought on by the death of the Blessed Saint George of Floyd career Criminal and drug addict addict black on black homicides have increased 40% and even their traffic deaths have increased 30%

In California the most liberal of all states most black children come out of high school basically illiterate and incapable of doing Simple Math.but they are free of Confederate symbolism praise Saint George of Floyd. But the American Civil War was the beginning of the American Empires International reach. after the Mexican-American War but after that . Proving the presentience Of Robert E Lee “The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it. “

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Hi Steve,

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I would be happy to respond to a question or comment about the content of the post. Thanks again.

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When the REL super-sized statue in Richmond's Monument Avenue was removed two years ago this month, an African American woman was quoted as saying that each time she had to walk past the statue, she felt oppressed. Even if it were just a racist graffito scrawled large on a wall, it would still be significantly hurtful.

Thus, I believe that images electronically preserved (e.g., on a hard drive) of such monuments are a minimalist and reasonable way to preserve the historical record.

I don't often quote from this tradition, but the maxim "Swords into Plowshares" strongly resonates to me in this and similar issues of Lost Cause statuary.

In this electronic age, the maxim might be updated to "Statues into Hard Drives".

And the Isaiah verse ending amended into "neither shall they teach racist war any more".

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No question that there will be many ways to continue to study the Arlington monument once it is removed, but it is also the case that they all pale in comparison to being able to analyze and reflect on it in situ.

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Youngkin (R) is being disingenuous by asking VMI to take this. The museum at New Market is clearly visible from Interstate 81 which will give it more exposure and will make all his MAGA voters happy. He’s running for president.

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You may be right re: the politics and you are certainly right that the monument will be visible from Interstate 81.

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I’m actually disappointed by the plans to remove the confederate monument from Arlington’s National Cemetery.

Arlington is a microcosm (not sure that’s the correct word) of all things Civil War, or, at least many things Civil War. From the antebellum plantation and slavery, to the segregated burials of black troops, to McKinley’s approval of a separate confederate section as a bow to reconciliation, to the monument with its distinct lost cause symbolism, there are so many lessons to be learned and taught.

Earlier this year I took my two youngest grandsons to see the monument. After giving them a brief history of it, I told them they might not be able to see the monument again because it was going to be removed, and I explained why. The 10 year old said it was dumb to take it down because “it’s in the far back corner and that’s where it deserves to be.”

I think he has a point.

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McKinley certainly viewed the re-internment of Confederate soldiers in Arlington through a reconciliationist lens, but we need to distinguish the burials from the monument. The monument is in no way a reflection of reconciliation.

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Understood and agree.

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Perfect observation as to the lack of interpretation on the Stonewall monument. I stopped at New Market on the way to CWI this summer. I consider myself pretty astute and well read but had no idea that this is where the VMI monument landed. Not a single sign. I just found it odd to see a Stonewall Jackson monument proudly standing on a battlefield in which he didn’t fight. Missed opportunities for teaching.

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Sorry to hear that my suspicions have been confirmed. It certainly doesn't bode well for the addition of a more problematic Confederate monument like the one in Arlington. Thanks, Scott.

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Well said.

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