Apropos of the GOP House vote on some Virginia statue, a friend of mine shared this today (6/19):


My friend is a former president of the San Francisco CWR and the author of an excellent, large, thick study of WW2 snipers and sniping. I'm a current officer of the SF CWR. The SF CWR is struggling to reactivate ourselves. Wish us luck.

It is a 20 minute clip from Fox but merely documents the opening of a time capsule found in the pedestal of the recently-destroyed Lee statue on Monument Ave. I quickly reviewed it and it could be titled "How to Open a Time Capsule Scientifically". A small staff (wearing rubber gloves and masks) seems to expertly cut open the metal box and carefully remove the first of numerous artifacts: a button appearing to be metal; coins; newspapers and other folded-up paper articles.

I didn't detect any racial angles except a small viewing group of about 8 included African Americans. I had the sound muted as I was doing other tasks, so I don't know what was said and I couldn't lip-read thru the masks.

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What, no current picture of you holding Otis??? 😉 He is one good looking dude

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Not without me ending up in traction. LOL

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Gallagher's comment on McClellan exactly aligns with my views. Thanks for sharing it.

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You bet. I highly recommend George Rable's most recent book on the relationship between Lincoln and McClellan.

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Jun 19Liked by Kevin M. Levin

Oh, thanks! Hadn't heard about it and like Rable's writing.

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Jun 19Liked by Kevin M. Levin

I have it, and have moved it close to the top of Mt. ToBeRead.

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