How did I miss this message? It was my bday (Jan 19), so maybe that's it. My calendar is marked for the book club. Is it safe to assume 7pm ET? How long should we allot? An hour? Thank you for helping me pull this book out of the "someday I'll read it" stack to the "OMG! I now have a deadline to read it" stack. LOL!!

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Here is a better book and an article, both on Robert Carter III. One August 1, 1791, he wrote the deed of gift that freed 452 enslaved persons, the largest private emancipation before the Civil War.



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Went to Amazon to add *Freedom’s Dominion* to my very long list of books, and saw this https://www.amazon.com/SUMMARY-FREEDOMS-DOMINION-resistance-federal/dp/B0BQ56JYZQ/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1JIIM0K96D9CN&keywords=freedom%27s+dominion&qid=1674225275&s=books&sprefix=freedom%27s+dominion%2Cstripbooks%2C96&sr=1-2

Any idea what it might be? A rebuttal, perhaps? Can’t find anything else by this author.

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I have no idea what this is, but it looks like complete nonsense.

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Looking forward to your interview with Garry Adelman. He’s always energetic, entertaining, and he knows his stuff!

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