Hi Kevin,

Off topic, but:: I'm spending one day in Richmond, VA (first visit). Top priority Civil War history visit? American Civil War Museum? Something else? (indoors would be nice--gonna be a scorcher!). Thanks!

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I'll admit that I do not live in VA and know nothing about this woman, but she has been appointed to a Board, which I assume has multiple members. Do we not appoint people who have differing views so we can get all points of view and opinion? We know what happened in the past when people would be excluded because of race, religion or viewpoint. Do we want the same now from the other extreme?

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Everyone can have their own views. Nobody's entitled to their own facts. How do you have a useful discussion with a person who isn't dealing with the same reality?

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Good point. As I said, I'm not really familiar with this woman. But I think it is good for the board to have someone to remind them that R. E. Lee, Jeff Davis and the Civil War are a part of Virginia's history. Just maybe not this person.

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Hi Bill,

Thanks for the comment. I don't think there is anything wrong with appointing people with differing views, but why can't the governor find someone who doesn't embrace such a problematic view of the war?

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Ann Hunter McLean apparently is a David Barton fan. Also, Jefferson was a Christian who "loved" his "laborers." Good grief. https://tinyurl.com/2p88jh7u

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And her understanding of the Civil War is off the deep end. What a mess.

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I am frankly amazed she earned her doctorate from a program (UVA) with such a good reputation. I haven't read her dissertation, so maybe she avoided discussing her opinions about the causes of the war in her writing.

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That very well could be the case. Based on the little I read it looks interesting.

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Kevin, great stuff as always. I envy your trip to DC, and wish you and your colleagues a great time of learning and fellowship.

Re: the Washington Post article.

First, I agree so strongly with Del. Bagby. “Del. Lamont Bagby (D-Henrico), the head of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus, said McLean’s appointment showed Youngkin’s ‘callous attitude toward Black history in Virginia and the lingering effects of institutional racism.’ Via text message, Bagby said Youngkin seems intent on ‘erasing our voices, images, and pain without flinching. He must believe that no one is paying attention to his appointments or he’s just that brazen to repeatedly thumb his nose at us.’”

Second, I had hoped the base of the REL statue would be left as a reminder of all the progress Richmonders made in the peaceful protests of the summer of 2021. But now I’m glad that Youngkin and Ann Hunter McLean will not be able to use it to resurrect the statue. It worries me that McClean “is particularly interested in overseeing the language on state historical markers.” That program has made great progress in honoring the history of Black Virginians, enslaved and free - what will happen to it now?

Third, I’m sad that WRVA has a broadcast host like John Reid. “After Reid complained that the movement to take down statues was being driven by ‘vehement hatred’ toward people who lived 50 to 100 years ago, McLean said she agreed ‘completely — spot on.’” Growing up, WRVA was known as “The Voice of Virginia,” with the strongest AM signal in the state. Evidently it is now the voice of only part of my beloved Commonwealth.

Last, get out and VOTE, Y’ALL!! Make sure you’re registered and vote in every election from dog catcher on up. I’ve been voting since 1972 and I’ve never been so fearful for our constitutional republic. If we’re not headed for another civil war, as you said, Kevin, “Perhaps we should be asking a different question.”

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Lots of good material here. Thanks

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Came here to say that, too, Thomas 👍

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You bet. Glad to hear it.

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