This post is spot on.

In case you haven't seen it, an artist had made a remarkably accurate painting entitled Critical race Theory: https://twitter.com/lawrencerabbott/status/1617722788625932288?cxt=HHwWgIDTkcSTp_MsAAAA

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Thanks for sharing this link.

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Why does it feel like 1932-34 Germany? And, of course, the #LostCase revisited. This is making me cranky.

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I hear you, but this country has its own long history of censorship re: history education.

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Oh, for sure. We refused to fully educate, intentionally, and ... *sigh* It's so exhausting.

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To claim the curriculum currently "lacks educational value" seems to claim the study of history itself lacks educational value. You are spot on that this is based in fear of history and African Americans. And probably fear of learning some things about themselves, wrestling with their own identity and relationship to history.

Here in Virginia we also have a governor with Presidential ambitions pretending to care about history education. As a former social studies teacher I find it frustrating and sad.

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It is very sad.

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Thank you for this well-informed response to the next step here in “Free Florida” on our road to becoming the totalitarian state of Gilead. The Florida Constitution limits the governor to two terms. If DeSatis is unsuccessful in a 2024 presidential bid, perhaps that will be the next thing he wants to change.

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Unfortunately, it is all too predictable.

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