
Sadly this is the beginning of a campaign to erase the history of African-Americans and bring back the symbols of the Confederacy and show people that White Rule has returned.



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No big deaI. I used to live in the Tampa/Sarasota area.

Michael Woodward

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FYI: There is no Bradenton County in Florida. The city of Bradenton is located in Manatee County.

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Thanks. Someone else pointed it out yesterday. The changes should appear on the site.

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Monuments to treason. *sigh*

With DeSantis in the Governor's seat, Florida will become a leader in reinvigoration of the #lostcause movement. Between that, the virulent anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment, and rampant COVID-denial (the top 3 of 57, 405 reasons I abstain from visiting Florida, the "stand your ground state"), I wonder if I'll ever step foot in that state again.

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Right. In all honesty, the least of my concerns is the Lost Cause when it comes to DeSantis. He has no shame.

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I hear ya. I bring up the Lost Cause because, following that playbook, he (DeSantis) unlocked the key to ratchet things (anti-everything and anti-everyone) up. You're 100% right. He has no shame and will do whatever it takes to gin up paranoia and hatred among Floridians (and the nation, if we're unkucky enough). #SSDD

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As a retired educator (librarian and history teacher) I find living in Florida very depressing. I can only imagine how deeply depressed and anxious Florida educators, K-12 and higher ed, must be 💔🤬

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Unfortunately, he is far from alone.

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“Both the dedication of the monument in 1924 and DeSantis’s war against Black history are part of a much larger narrative of maintaining political control by stoking fear among white Americans that any inroads made by African Americans constitutes a direct threat to their own power and privilege.” Absolutely. This morning’s Tampa Bay Times above-the-fold headline, “Education Plan Introduced.” “DeSantis’ proposal initially focused on teacher pay, but the governor later pointed out there is a lot he wants to do to education and leadership at the local level. The governor called for changes to school board term limits and party affiliations as well as restrictions on teachers unions, among other proposals.” In the fifteen months I’ve lived here, north of Tampa, I’ve grown convinced that everyone who moved here during the pandemic is a MAGAt.

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